Fruits for Skin And Hair Health

There is no doubt about that good health of hair and skin is very important for the youthfulness of any person in this world. When people are getting old with wrinkled skin, it is pertinent to consider skin care without fail.  Sudden change in skin complexion  and  hairfall are the indicators of underlying health problems and also will affect our good looking. To maintain good health of hair and skin, nature offers many varieties of fruits for the entire humanity to eat.

Both intake and topical application of these fruits will give great benefits to our skin and hair. In this blog we will see a list of fruits that have great tendency to keep good health of hair and skin. Let us see them one by one.


Enriched extremely with vitamin C, potassium and other minerals, orange is the best choice to maintain the good hair and skin health. 

When you eat orange frequently, good amount of anti-oxidants in them will protect body cells from being damaged. This fruit will also help body make collagen, a protein which is essential for smoother skin. The Vitamin C in it help maintain our skin tone. By restoring the elasticity in our skin our complexion becomes firmer, wrinkles get vanished.

Orange Fruits

Oranges help to lighten dark spots, acne scars, and uneven skin tone and leave your skin feeling clean, clear, and healthy. 

The presence of vitamin C stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

In addition, orange will help maintain  health by improving good appetite. When you eat orange during morning time, you will feel afresh and healthy throughout the day.


These are the best fruits for keeping the health of skin and hair. Anti-oxidants, vitamin c and other minerals in the lemons make it ideal for good skin health. 

Due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, lemons can be an effective remedy  for removing spots and thus helping to treat acne on face skin.  Rubbing lemon slices on rough areas of heels and elbows make the skin very soft.


Stubborn Dandruff is the common hair issue which can be easily overcome by the application of lemon juice on scalp. It will maintain pH level of scalp and easily control the hairfall as well as remove flaky skin with soothing relief for itching and cleanse accumulated dust on the scalp.


Being good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, anti-oxidants and other minerals Avacado is responsible for the healthy hair and skin. 

The good loads of above said nutrients make it helpful to get rid of many skin issues. One can have smooth and soft skin by the topical application of this fruit.

Frequent eating of this fruit will easily get you glowing skin. The presence of fatty acids can improve the skin tone. Face mask can also be prepared by using only this fruit.

Biotin and other vitamin can boost the health of hair and thus stop the hair fall. The application of the oil obtained from Avacado fruits can boost the growing of hair as it supplies all the essential nutrients for healthy growing of hair.


Good loads of vitamins A,C, E, Lycopene and other minerals make it great for the glowing skin and healthy hair. As it neutralises free radicals, one can get youthful appearance.

It will give amazing results from both the intake and topical application. The formed protein collagen prevents the wrinkling and line formation on the skin.

The presence of enzymes like papain, chymopapain including other essential vitamins are responsible for the good healthy hair. It also fights against germs and fixes dandruff and itching on scalp.


 Apple is one of the best fruits keeping good health of skin and hair. Since it is provided with vitamins A, B complex, E and anti-oxidants it can help getting glowing skin. It will remove pathogens and oil from the skin and make it so bright and healthy.

Regular intake of apple will hydrate the skin and give good face complexion. 

The milk can be beaten with apple to prepare a paste thing. The application of this thing on face or any part of body will be useful to remove dark spots. 


Hair health can also be maintained with this fruit. It is responsible for the strong and healthy hair by stimulating the production of Keratin in hair follicles.  Apple juice applied to our scalp help prevent dandruff.   Final rinse of our hair with Apple juice after shampooing brings about an added shine.The hairfall will also be prevented by eating apple regularly.

Blueberries And Strawberries

With the good content of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants blueberries and strawberries play an important role in maintaining the good health of skin and hair.


These fruits increase the collagen production and the smooth skin will be result if you take them regularly. The presence of antioxidants make the skin to glow and help getting even skin tone.

Hair health can also be maintained by the regular intake of these berries fruits . Good content of vitamin A, C and fiber can boost the hair growth by keeping healthy hair follicles. Prevents premature greying, breakage and restore damaged hair.  It is responsible for growth of healthy and shiny hair.  The other vitamin B5 present in these fruits prevent hairfall and help keep youthful looking.
